OSCP Certification Overview

OSCP certification is the most common Offensive Security certification. OSCP is primarily concerned with details and enumeration abilities. OSCP offers excellent training facilities, including 60 CTF-style machines. Metasploit, Sqlmap, and ZAP are not permitted. Instead than relying on frameworks or scanners, OSCP pushes you to understand fundamentals. In the test, you must connect to the root/system shell on five different computers. You must exploit one of them by creating simple buffer overflow code, and you are also provided with a test machine for your buffer overflow testing. The test lasts 23 hours and 45 minutes.


Is it worth the time and effort to take the OSCP?

The OSCP certification is quickly becoming a recognized and sought-after distinction in the field of information security, owing to its unique method of evaluating candidates that focuses on their technical competence. Unlike many other similar certificates, OSCP is genuinely 100% hands-on, making it very useful to companies seeking for individuals who not only have a strong academic foundation but also the practical abilities required to detect flaws in their IT system.


Who should get the OSCP credential?

Defenders: Aids in better understanding of how attackers operate and think. It enables you to fully comprehend the risks and attack vectors you are fighting against, as well as identify exploitation efforts. Attackers: Improves skills and approach. It teaches you the value of carrying out planned assaults in a controlled and targeted way in order to enhance a workplace’s current security posture by lowering the chance of a successful exploit. The OSCP certification may help anybody in IT security with Windows and Linux administration expertise who wants to enter the field of ethical hacking or progress as a penetration tester.


The Advantages of the OSCP Certification

Pentesting is a burgeoning industry. If you’re searching for a legitimate certification, the OSCP certificate should be carefully considered. This certification is aimed specifically at assessing skills in detecting and exploiting vulnerabilities, and it is applicable to employment in a wide range of sectors and work settings. It also has a high income potential.

Taking the OSCP test for certification is unquestionably worthwhile in terms of money, time, and effort. Expect the exam to be especially difficult; as a highly hands-on certification, it requires real-world experience with scripting skills and hacking training, familiarity with attack techniques, and the ability to apply knowledge.


What is the most effective method of preparing for the OSCP exam?

The course focuses on real-world applications that use modern Pentesting techniques; the included lab environment is a critical component of an offensive, hands-on approach for the OSCP exam taker to be familiar with the Linux distro, common networking terminology, and basic Bash/Python scripting, which will help later when tackling the certification test.

The PwK curriculum elaborates on the following topics:

  • What You Should Know About Penetration Testing
  • Getting a Glimpse of Kali Linux
  • Command-line amusement
  • Tools that are useful
  • Scripting in Bash
  • Gathering passive information
  • Information collection that is active
  • Scan for vulnerabilities
  • Attacks against web applications
  • The Basics of Buffer Overflows
  • Buffer overflows in Windows
  • Buffer overflows in Linux
  • Attacks on the client-side
  • Finding public exploits
  • Exploits are being repaired.
  • Transferring files
  • Antivirus avoidance
  • Elevation of privileges
  • Attacks on passwords
  • Tunneling and port redirection
  • Attacks against Active Directory
  • Metasploit’s framework
  • PowerShell tyranny
  • Putting the puzzle together: Breakdown of the penetration test
  • Putting forth more effort: the labs


LPT Certification Overview

The Advanced Penetration Testing LPT curriculum is a logical next step for ECSA certification holders. The course will demonstrate advanced techniques like as scanning for defenses, pivoting across networks, establishing proxy chains, and utilizing web shells. The “virtual cyber ranges” add realism to the training sessions by demonstrating how experienced pentesters identify the attack surface of targets within a certain time period, obtain access to the computers, and escalate privileges.

The practical environment progressively increases in complexity and reflects corporate network architecture. This environment has defenses and obstacles that LPT program applicants must fight and conquer. This is not accomplished through a conventional FLAT network! Each encounter will showcase the top defenses of today, and applicants will acquire the newest best practices, tips and tactics, and even evasion methods as they advance through the different range levels.

LPT Course Descriptions:

  • Introduction to Vulnerability Assessment and Information Gathering Methodology for Penetration Testing
  • Enumeration and Scanning
  • Determine Vulnerabilities
  • Exploitation
  • Later Exploitation

Licensed Penetration Tester, LPT (Master) certified professionals who complete this course will be able to: 

  • Demonstrate a repeatable and quantifiable methodology to Penetration Testing
  • Use sophisticated methods and attacks to detect SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), LFI, and RFI vulnerabilities in online applications.
  • To acquire root access to a system, use privilege escalation. Showcase lateral and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking.
  • Gain access to exclusive EC-Council Penetration Testing methods.
  • exploit flaws in operating systems such as Windows and Linux


What jobs can you get with LPT certification?

Candidates for the Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT) certification often work as penetration testers or IT security engineers.

A candidate who obtains the LPT typically has other certificates such as:

  • MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert)
  • CEH V11 (Certified Ethical Hacker)
  • ECSA (EC-Council Certified Security Analyst)
  • CCNA Certification
  • CCNP Certification
  • CCIE Certification

This LPT Training course is intended for the following individuals:

  • This LPT Training course is appropriate for security professionals.
  • System Administrators and Risk Assessment Experts
  • LPT Course is pursued by Security Engineers.
  • Administrators of Firewalls
  • Auditors

Both certificates are difficult, but they vary significantly in terms of what they try to teach and assess. The OSCP is a highly difficult course that focuses on what I refer to as “hard-core hacking abilities.” These include abilities like:

  • Exploitation of the web, applications, configuration, and operating systems
  • Client-Side Attacks
  • Writing Buffer Overflow Exploit
  • Escalation of Privilege
  • Following Exploitation
  • Exploitation by Hand Using Exploit-DB and Other Custom-Written Exploits
  • Self-Directed Investigation
  • “Thinking Outside the Box”

Although the EC Council’s Penetration Testing Track teaches some of the same exploitation techniques, the main emphasis of the LPT (Master) examination is to properly replicate a genuine penetration test engagement, teaching the following skills:

  • The Penetration Testing Methodology of ECSA/LPT
  • Using a Diverse Set of Penetration Testing Instruments
  • Obtaining Replicability of Results
  • Obtaining Specific Goals
  • Creating an Accurate Penetration Test Report with Effective Remediation Recommendations

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