5 Best Network Simulators for Cisco Exams

5 Best Network Simulators for Cisco Exams

So you have made up your mind that you would do studying for the CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE. Well, while you start your preparation, make sure that you have chosen the right network simulator or emulator. Indeed, it could be a demanding decision, but you have to make it and details of CISCO Exams.

 Whether you have been suggested by a friend, supervisor or a thread on any web page, everyone has their preferred simulator or emulator.  Of course, everyone would claim that their choice is the best. You know when you study for areas like CISSP Certification or certified Cloud Security Professional; you have to be prudent about everything. Remember, you have to choose the right simulators. In an objective sense, every piece of software has its own set of benefits, and you have to weigh them, keeping in mind the requirements you have.

  • Boson Netcom
  • Cisco Packet Tracer
  • EVE-NG
  • VIRL
  • GNS3

These are the most popular tools for gaining proper Cisco lab experience for the routing and switching track certifications. A few of these tools can also get used to testing networking technologies for use in the real world.  

What is Network Simulators?

Remember it is a piece of software that and it simulates a network topology made up of one or more network devices. The network devices getting simulated are not real network devices, and they are not in a position to pass live network traffic the same way that a real network device might. Rather, every network device is a piece of software that pretends to be a real network device to the utmost of its capability.

As a result, network devices that are inside a simulator are restricted to the commands and features programmed into the simulation. This is the reason; various advanced features like that of DMVPN, Policy Based Routing, and so on, real network devices are capable of are not available in simulated counterparts.

The main benefit of these simulators is that these tend to be extremely lightweight. Simulator software can work on just about any modern computer in the absence of worrying about processor, memory, or even storage needs.

The choices

You know Packet tracer is the finest as it is free and absolutely simple and easy to install and use. But then GNS3 can be a better choice if you do not bother investing some time learning how to install and make use of it (it gets easier with every update) and find the details of Cisco Exams .

For CCIE Level:

Once you get to this level you would be in a position to decide for yourself since you would have so much of acquired knowledge and understanding of things, you would know what exactly will e the apt option.  Once you are close to becoming a Cisco Certified Internet work Expert, you will figure out everything yourself and know what exactly is good for you and which one you should shun.


Thus, you have just come across five Network Simulators for Cisco Exams, but again, every person has his or her comfort level.

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