CCNA Routing and Switching Certification Description

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CCNA Routing and Switching Certification Curriculum

1. Operation of IP Data Networks (5%)

Different network devices and their various components should be recognized,
Common problems on networks
Basic purpose  
Operation of OSI
TCP/IP models

2. LAN Switching Technologies (20%)

- basic switching concepts, verify and configure different switches, describe,
- configure and verify VLANs, configure and verify trunking on Cisco switches.

3. IP Addressing (IPv4/IPv6) (5%)

- Using of private and public IP addresses is necessity
- Appropriate IPv6 addressing scheme
- Technological requirements for running IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

4. IP Routing Technologies (20%)

- Configure and verify basic routers
- Verify network connectivity
- Configure and verify OSPF, inter-VLAN routing, and SVI interfaces
- Manage IOS files

5. IP Services (10%)

- Describe and verify DHCP
- Types
- Features
- Applications of ACLs
- Configure and verify ACLs
- Identify basic operation  

6. Network Device Security (10%)

- Configure the network devices
- Verify the network devices, Switch Port Security, ACLs

7. Troubleshooting (20%)

- Trouble shoot IP addresses, VLAN, trunking, ACL.
- Resolve problems with IP addresses, VLAN, trunking, ACL, Layer 1,
- network
- Routing

8. WAN Technologies (10%)

- Identify different WAN technologies
- Verify WAN serial connection
- PPP connection
- Implementing
- Troubleshoot PPPoE

This is the ultimate course if you want to become a certified CCNA associate. Enroll now and take a step closer to your dreams.

Exam Format

Exam code200-120 CCNA Associated Certifications: CCNA Routing and Switching
Exam formatMultiple-choice single answer. Multiple-choice multiple answer
Validity3 years
LanguagesEnglish, Japanese
Exam cost$325 or $330
Passing score800-850 points out of 1000


New changes in the current CCNA exam are listed below

Deep understanding of IPv6CCNP level subjects as HSRP, DTP, Ether ChannelAdvanced troubleshooting techniquesNetwork design with super-netting and sub-netting

Topic Focus

• Combination of both ICND1 and ICND2 Topics
• Network Fundamentals
• LAN Switching Fundamentals
• Routing Fundamentals
• Infrastructure Services
• Infrastructure Maintenance
• LAN Switching Technologies
• Routing Technologies
• WAN Technologies
• Infrastructure Services
• Infrastructure Maintenance

Job roles for CCNA Routing and Switching Certification

CCNA Routing and Switching Certification is idealized for;

Network Support EngineersNetwork Engineer AssociateNetwork AdministratorsNetwork Specialist

Network Analyst


Before taking up the CCNA Routing and Switching course, a good understanding of network fundamentals and some experience in implementing local area networks (LAN) & internet connectivity, managing network device security and implementing WAN and basic IPv6 connectivity is must.

This is the ultimate course if you want to become a certified CCNA associate. Enroll now and take a step closer to your dreams.


The CCNA certification exams are priced as follows:

  • ICND1 and ICND2 – $165 each

  • CCNAX – $325

The CCNA Routing & Switching Course at Certification forest is a comprehensive program that’ll help the participants with all the three certification exams ICND1, ICND2 & CCNAX; all of this at a competitive fee point. Also, at Certification Forest, candidates can get trained for ISACA organization Certification and many other IT certifications. Our trainer will make you work hard, fully loaded and dedicated CISCO racks… Also you will get 24*7 supports. Also, all the trainers are 10-12 year experience.

This course can be done by the candidates within 13 to 17 years of age with parental consent. Candidates of 18 years of age or above can apply for this course without parental consent. For candidates with networking background is best.

Some of the top companies in India that hire CCNA certified candidates are listed below:

  1. TATA Consultancy Services
  2. Reliance Communications
  3. AT&T Communications
  4. JIO Communications
  5. Orient Technologies
  6. HCL Technologies
  7. Dimension Data
  8. CSS Corporation
  9. Tech Mahindra
  10. Cisco Systems
  11. Bharti Airtel
  12. Vodafone
  13. Accenture
  14. Wipro